Marketing Automation

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Effective Email Marketing: Fairy Tale or For Real?

Escape email marketing overload! Optimize your strategy: email less but with more value, heed recipient cues, time your messages wisely, and personalize deeply. Elevate engagement and results.

How to Get the Most Value from Your CRM Software

Using a customer relationship management tool in marketing can do wonders for the customer journey, sales and retention. Here are some tips on how to improve CRM performance in your business.

Why Inbound Marketing Works - Part 1: Outbound and Inbound Explained

In part 1 of the inbound marketing series, StringCan introduces this concept and why it’s so essential in today’s digital marketplace.

How Personas Help Inbound Marketing and Sales

Learn how personas can help your inbound marketing and inbound sales initiatives get better results and bring your audience to you.

StringCan Interactive Earns Distinction as a Gold HubSpot Certified Agency Partner

StringCan Interactive achieves "gold" level HubSpot Certified Agency Partner status, driving remarkable growth for clients with inbound marketing.

Smarter Marketing with Marketing Automation

Unlock the power of marketing automation! Learn how it's transforming businesses and driving results. Don't miss out on the secret to converting leads effectively.

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