As a company, we place a huge emphasis on our Values. And not just talking about them and making a pretty graphic, but actually living by them and even being rated on them during performance reviews. We take them very seriously, even though we often can be a pretty silly bunch. We don’t just act on our values in the office, we take them out of the office as well. When it comes to “Bring Solutions, Not Problems,” we work to be a part of the solution. For us that means as a company, we volunteer at least once per quarter.
This quarter, we wanted to help provide solutions to families. Specifically, to families in need during Spring Break in the Scottsdale, AZ area. There are 600,000 kids in the Phoenix area that rely on the support of their school district just to eat. So imagine that fun, carefree, Spring Break attitude for many kids, is one of dread and hunger.
The City of Scottsdale partners with Scottsdale area schools to help distribute food to families during these break times. They do a lot of amazing work coordinating with partner organizations for donations, as well as, the families in need.
As a team, we find it’s really beneficial to spend time focusing on our community and their needs. Volunteering as a team is a really special experience, and I prefer doing that for our company and team members, as a benefit over offering VTO (Volunteer Time Off).
There are always amazing organizations doing lots of amazing work! They are always, ALWAYS, in need of support in any way you can offer it. Whether it’s a few bucks, or a few hours, every little bit counts. Join us in being a part of the solution!
I love helping organizations find volunteer opportunities - please contact me if you’d like some help in the Phoenix area!