When launching marketing and sales initiatives, it can be tough to know where to start, who to target, and what tactics to use. Marketing and sales teams are often running separate campaigns that aren’t well connected and send mixed messages to your potential customers rather than using a well-defined smarketing process.
Creating buyer personas will help your marketing and sales teams get aligned in regards to who you are going after and how you can best target them. Those personas will also help you engage with your audience in a helpful way that makes them want to communicate with you, rather than having your messages forced upon them. Wouldn’t you rather your audience come to you rather than you chasing them down? That is what inbound marketing and inbound sales is all about.
To implement successful inbound marketing campaigns, you need to take the following steps to help your ideal target audience engage with your company.
1. First, you want to think about what topic would interest your persona the most. How does your content answer their questions or address their pain points? This will ensure that you are producing content your audience actually wants to read and will find helpful, not salesy.
2. Next, you want to think about what content format your persona wants to engage with. Do they prefer a whitepaper filled with tons of research and data or are they interested in something quick and visual like a video or an infographic.
3. Lastly, you need to decide what type of tone your content will embody to best resonate with your persona. Will they want to read an article that is professional and to the point or something light and has a little edge to it?
Knowing what your personas need allows you to create the most relevant content for them and will help you nurture them through your inbound marketing campaigns.
When it comes to inbound sales, the goal is to create opportunities where your buyer personas can engage with your company. This can be easily done by creating content and collateral that gives the personas information they are looking for in a quick, easy, and convenient way. By creating sales collateral that speaks to each persona’s pain points you can help address their questions before they even have to ask them!Want more tips and examples on how to use buyer personas to help your inbound marketing and sales campaigns? Download our presentation to better understand how to use your personas in your marketing and sales initiatives.
Image by amateria70 via Flickr CC
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