So it happened again…
You met someone at an industry event who would make an ideal client and you gave them your best elevator pitch about your business. But instead of begging you for more information (which you totally expected to happen), their eyes glazed over and they mumbled a quick “I’m late for a conference call” before darting away.
Or, maybe your experience has been more like this...
You invested time and money (and more time, and more money) into a digital marketing strategy. And it worked - kind of. You started getting a lot more site traffic, but as soon as visitors got to your site, they left as quickly as if they spotted a sign spinner promoting free donuts.
Where’s the disconnect? You know you have something valuable to offer your customers, but for some reason you can’t get people in the door long enough to show them. That’s because, drumroll please, your branding is all but shouting SOS. Here’s how to develop a brand strategy that actually works, and how to reach your audience as a result.
Do Your Homework
When in-person and digital attempts to interest a buyer fall flat, there’s almost always something awry with the brand itself. Your products or services might be top-notch, yet they might not be packaged in a way that appeals to your audience. But, that all can change. Here are the steps you can take to figure out what matters to your ideal customers, so you can reshape your brand identity accordingly:
Interview customers.
It sounds simple, but speaking directly to customers is the best way to get accurate information about what makes them tick. Put together a list of your top 5-10 customers, and call them. Keep it short, but ask them why they chose your company, how they selected you, and what keeps them coming back. Also, ask them what matters most to them. Tip: Take this valuable time to ask if there’s anything you can work on to improve anything about their experience. You’ve got them on the phone so keep it concise and useful for both of you.
Map out the customer journey
Once you know more about how your top customers decided to use your brand, create a journey map. This is a visual representation of how people in a certain position search for vendors and ultimately decide to buy. Understanding your customers’ buyer journey will help you better reach your audience.
Read reviews
Then, dig into your company’s reviews online. See what’s positive, and see what’s negative. Does your brand have a public image problem? If so, you’ll find it in your reviews. Even though it can be hard to face the truth of what reviewers have to say, it’s important for you to have this knowledge as you reconsider your brand.
Say Goodbye to Narcissus
The impact of branding can be significant, for better or worse. Now that you’ve gathered information, it’s time to refocus your brand away from you and squarely around your customer. This is less about aesthetics, and more about messaging, but some of your visual branding elements may need a scrub as well. Consider updating the following to be more about solving your customers’ pain points, rather than simply touting your products or services:
• Website copy
• Marketing materials
• Advertising messaging
• Social media
• Email marketing, and other forms of communication
When you make your customer your North Star, the way your brand talks to prospects, customers and even others in the industry will start to shift. For the better. If you’re looking for help with refreshing your brand identity, give us a call!