Become Your Own Best Teacher

We’re constantly learning from others—whether it's books, podcasts, or admired leaders. But here’s a secret: the greatest growth opportunity is right in front of you. It’s about learning from yourself.

How often do you look outward for advice, strategy, or guidance? Probably a lot. But what if you took a step back and reflected on your own experiences? What if the most powerful teacher you had was actually you?

Learning from David Goggins

David Goggins, one of the toughest guys out there, often says, “I know you, because I am you.” He’s not just talking about empathy; he’s tapping into a deep understanding of self. When we truly know ourselves—our strengths, our struggles—we can recognize those same traits in others. It helps us grow and connect more effectively.

This isn’t about being self-absorbed; it’s about recognizing your patterns. What makes you tick? What pushes your buttons? Self-awareness is key to becoming a better leader, partner, and person.

The Business Angle

In the business world, leaders often chase the next big strategy. They’re constantly looking outside of themselves for answers. But the real power lies in knowing how you operate under stress, where your blind spots are, and how you can lead authentically.

You can’t effectively lead others if you haven’t figured out how to lead yourself. Are you handling pressure with calm or chaos? Are you owning your mistakes or avoiding them? These are the real questions that separate good leaders from great ones.

Think about all the leaders who try to emulate someone else’s style or follow the latest trend. It’s exhausting—and unnecessary. The truth is, your unique experiences and qualities are what set you apart. They’re your roadmap to success.

How to Start Learning from Yourself

Track Your Behavior: Pay attention to how you react in various situations. Notice what stresses you out or what excites you. You’ll start seeing patterns.

Journal for Insight: Writing down your thoughts helps bring clarity. Reflect on how you handled the day's challenges and where you can improve. It’s not about beating yourself up; it’s about growth.

Own Your Weaknesses: Everyone has weaknesses. Instead of ignoring them, use them as tools for improvement. Goggins talks a lot about learning from failure. Apply that mindset and see how you evolve.

Why It Matters

Once you start focusing on self-awareness, everything changes. You grow faster, and you do it on your terms. You stop trying to mimic others and begin leveraging your own strengths. That’s where real success lies.

It’s not about following the latest trends or strategies; it’s about understanding who you are and what works best for you. The answers aren’t out there—they’re already inside you. (Anyone read Confidence Code? Ah-mazing!)

Ready to lead with more self-awareness and authenticity? StringCan helps businesses sharpen their focus and grow strategically. Reach out today to tap into your true potential.

Work Habits & Productivity

2. Effortless
Speaking of actions becoming more effortless, this is another book of McKeown’s that topped our 2022 reading list. Adding onto the powerful guidance around essentialism, this read delivers “proven strategies for making the most important activities the easiest ones,” like mapping out the minimum number of steps, finding the courage to “be rubbish” and more.
About the Author:
Sarah Shepard

As StringCan's Chief Operating Officer, Sarah is a solutionist who loves to implement and enhance efficiencies for herself and the team. She strives to support and help people be their best self in and outside of work. Sarah also gets her best ideas by lounging in a body of water. Cocktail is optional. But not really.

About the Author:
Jay Feitlinger

Jay, the CEO of StringCan, oversees strategy and vision, building culture that makes going into work something he looks forward to, recruiting additional awesome team members to help exceed clients goals, leading the team and allocating where StringCan invests time and money.


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