Within a matter of weeks, everything has changed. Normal routines and business operations have been severely disrupted or halted altogether, as a result of the coronavirus. Everyone is scared, unsure, on edge, or some not-fun version of all three. But, eventually there will be light at the end of the tunnel. At some point, some version of normal life will resume. And when that time comes, will your customers remember you? In order for the answer to be yes, now is the time for connecting with customers. Now is the time to bring your brand experience right where they are - into their homes. Here’s how.
Craving Connection
People miss people. In this era of COVID-19, social distancing has us missing the times when we could get together for dinner with friends, let alone go to the grocery store without fear of getting within arm’s reach of another human being. We’re social creatures, after all but this also reveals something for your business: your customers want to be in touch with you. In order to stay on customers’ radars, and provide that connection, strive to bring value to their current situation. Your products and services may not be particularly useful in a time of home quarantines, but almost anyone can offer connection. Can you check in, personally, with your customers and see how they’re doing? Offer support, inspiration, a helping hand? Reach out by creating a social media community or email group? This is what will make the biggest difference to people in this time, and also what will make them remember you later. Bringing your brand’s personality, whether fun or lively or educational, into their home and engaging them in a time of isolation matters.
What’s Your Brand Known For?
Beyond person-to-person connection, consider what your brand is all about. Do you have a core specialty that could somehow be adapted for virtual delivery? Or an area of expertise that could morph into something useful for your customers who are stuck at home? For example, let’s say your brand is known for in-person childcare and tutoring. Clearly, in-person sessions aren’t happening right now, but don’t limit yourself to virtual sessions alone. What about creating printable activities your students can enjoy at home? Or resources for their parents about keeping calm while entertaining a full house all day? Go beyond the most obvious adaptation of your products and services and seek to help others in this time. Another idea is to think about what your brand is able to give. Can you offer a free recorded meditation to your community? A free virtual yoga class? A discount on your products? This is more than corporate goodwill; it’s humanity in action. Whatever you can do to help ease financial stress, increase peace, and occupy kids and families will go a long way in helping your customers - and helping them remember you later.
Your brand has been built around creating a certain experience for customers. There are more ways than one to continue delivering that during this time. Wishing you all well. We're here if you’d like help with your digital branding or other marketing strategies.